10 Style and mind tricks for the pregnancy blahs
tee (my favorite maternity tee, I highly recommend) | jeans | denim jacket: Anthro older, option here | clutch (25% off right now with code INTHEFAM25) | shoes: Rhea Footwear c/o (get 15% off with code citypeach15) | cuff | watch | earrings and necklace c/o Rocksbox (get your 1st month free with code citypeachxoxo)
I’ve seen the other kind… the women who ‘glow’ and just LOVE being pregnant, and I think have unicorn farms and their bodies are perfect. And that’s ok if that’s you, we can totally be friends so I can dress you and tell you stories of waddling in my extra large cotton Target thongs… it’s not me so I’m going to give you my tricks of the trade if you can relate.
I have begun to appreciate my metabolism that I took for granted all my life during this time, thank you for always working really hard and allowing me to have a love for Oreos that lasts well over 20 years. Because this pregnant body is very different. I obviously am not going to eat less (duh, and food just tastes so much better too), we will continue our generally healthy habits. But I have noticed that eating like I normally do, I am gaining a lot of weight. Yes, I’ve been told over and over, ‘you are pregnant, you are supposed to’… but first of all, I know it’s not just normal pregnancy weight, and that’s fine, I love food too much to really care… but it is hard for any girl to suddenly not fit remotely in anything they have. And with my love of clothes, I mean it defines who I am!, it’s hard to look at everything every day and not be able to fit ONE thigh in it. So there’s that mental block where you just don’t feel hot. And then there is the constant fire burning heartburn/acid reflux from Hell that causes me to carry around a bottle of berry flavored Tums… how attractive, and loud. (have you ever tried to silently pop a Tum?) My hair does NOT get thicker and more beautiful, it falls out actually. You can’t really bend over to shave, lotion your legs, or even put on socks. Goodness there is so much more but I will spare you in case you don’t have kids yet and want to enter into this blissfully ignorant, or just save the juicy details for my mom chat with my girlfriends… or if you’re a guy or my husband reading this… let’s save some glamour and mystery for the imagination.
I say I hate feeling pregnant, because I do not hate BEING pregnant. To me there is a difference. I am so thankful to be pregnant and to feel those little kicks, and then after all the uncomfortable 10 months, you literally forget ALL of it and don’t really care any more when you have that little babe. I can say this because all of that plus a crazy liver failure condition the first time around, did not stop me from wanting to do it all over again. But over these two years, here are some tricks that work for me.
- buy some new underwear – everyone loves new undies, and trust me, you will want some for this category of life (like me, aka: bigger and stretchier)
my absolute favorites
- treat yourself to a latte
- walk around the mall – exercise and shopping (and everyone loves a pregnant lady, no matter what you get smiles and compliments… it helps on a major blah day)
- eat a pretzel/cookie cake slice while you mall walk – you’re pregnant, no one judges you
- shoe shop – now is the time to get creative with shoes since that is all that fits you. I am definitely guilty of wearing really cute bow flats or shoe boots with sweatpants
a favorite
- fancy face cream – I am literally obsessed with the greatest smelling face lotion of all time, and save it for special occasions. On nights when I feel really blah and tired, and I’ve already downed half a bottle of Tums, I break out my Chanel and feel really pampered.
- Pedicures – because you can’t reach your toes anyway
- Pre-natal massages – I ask for one almost every day and could get one every day. In all seriousness, doctors say this is necessary and really helps your body
- Wear your tops tight and your bottoms loose – I know it sounds weird and you might not want to wear anything tight… but I promise it makes you feel smaller and not like a tent. The more you hug the bump, the more defined it is, and the smaller the rest of you looks.
- Choose one on-trend item, and then plan comfort around that – example: Over-the-knee boots with leggings, a strong colored flat, and a plain sweater or a statement necklace with your most comfortable outfit.