5 Things I Want My Little Girl To Know

I have dreamt about her since before I can remember. I used to write to her in my diary. She had a million potential names but one thing was for sure, that she was known. She was anticipated and I have been waiting for her arrival for most of my life. Once Elston came along, she made me a better person and continues to do so every year of life. I am who I am because of her and I hope she can take pieces of me and her childhood with her in life, but remember that she is her own person.

There are a few things I want her to know about life but also about her role in this world. It’s a delicate situation because I want this world to be for her, but to allow us both to coincide in it in harmony. As confidants, teacher and student… which eventually those roles will probably swap after the years. My relationship with Elston will be different than that of Jackson and I. I hope she will reinforce the relationship I have always hoped for us. I am here to help grow and help shape her into the person that she is. I will never force her to be someone she is not and will always listen when she tells me who she is. The best thing we can do is prepare her for the world so she can survive and thrive on her own.

My dear Elston, I hope you can remember:

  1. Learn from my mistakes, but not enough that you will not make any of your own. If you need to make the same ones, I will understand. 
  2. Be kind and genuine. Keep a little naivete but also enough awareness to succeed in life without getting walked all over. You do not have to tear anyone else down to get ahead, and if and when someone does that to you, you rise above and keep on going. 
  3. Trust with caution. Not everyone will have your best interests.
  4. Be confident in who you are. There will be years that you will want nothing more than to fit in and be like everyone else. Keep a little slice of who you are and know it’s ok to be different. One day you will want the exact opposite and want something that is just your own. Confidence is also everything and will get you far in life.
  5. Life is 70% hard work and drive, and 30% smarts. You are one of the most gifted children I know, I can only hope you will do great things in life. I’ll be your biggest cheerleader and your strongest fall back plan, but overall, I’ll be your mom forever.


Photos by: Hannah Michelle Photography

We took these photos for an Instagram partnership with Kidbox, I would love for you to check it out on Insta tonight!

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