My CBD Journey with Hapsy
This is my own personal journey, as everyone will have one that works for them. I wanted to share my experience as I have an ongoing partnership with Hapsy, but the way I found them was purely coincidental. I had taken a full spectrum hemp previously, which is a little bit different, but had the same effect for me. I knew it worked because I took it in my most anxious and darkest hour, when my dog Georgia died. She had a heart murmur that eventually got worse and became congestive heart failure. It wasn’t a shock, but it was extremely hard for me as she was my best friend for over 12 years. Her last weekend with me was incredibly hard and I purposely took CBD product (from another company) to be able to ease my panic attacks. Long story short, the company ended up being a bit sketchy and that aspect is important to me. So I was actively looking for a CBD oil and company to just use, I found Hapsy who found me and approached me to potentially work together.
Andrea (the founder of Hapsy) made it very clear that before we worked together, we needed to make sure it would be a good match and work for both of us… and have the product work for me. I took it for a few months before I signed the contract. I asked a ton of questions and gathered as much info as I could on the actual Hapsy product. As I looked into this and CBD further, I saw that a consistent experience will be that of a pure CBD oil. Hapsy is just a pure CBD oil. This is important to me because the formula is always the same and so is my dose. I don’t have to worry about the blended full spectrum product being a slightly different formula every time I buy it.
I have been using Hapsy through many different ‘experiences’ which is why I wanted to share mine, because it’s interesting for me to personally hear other’s stories, so it might help someone else! Initially, my ‘why’ is anxiety. It’s brought out mainly with the stressors of motherhood. Andrea suggests identifying your ‘trouble’ time of the day, and then backing up 60-90 minutes to take it then. Mine is kid bedtime; the witching hours where all hell breaks loose and there are no rules and normal behavior is thrown out the window lol. When I originally took Hapsy, I was taking it too late to my own bedtime which didn’t help me in the previous dinner/bath time rush when I needed it most. So I backed up my time and take it around 5pm. I like the Hapsy Hint of Mint because it’s so subtle and just refreshing to take! I use a full dropper which is 40mg, and just hold it under my tongue for about 30 seconds. It works the whole way through the bedtime craziness with the kids and helps me feel calm enough to get myself to bed. And, to be honest, now I am able to go to sleep easier because I’m not stuck in my bed, feeling bad about something I said to the kids in a stressed out moment. I just feel like Hapsy has given me the power of being calm when chaos is surrounding me.
Something did happen when we got Covid that messed up my sleep. So I changed up my time a bit to find out what was going to work for my body. When I was sick, I had terrible insomnia. This is not common for me at all, I can ALWAYS go back to sleep. A few days into being sick, I realized this and that is when I decided to just switch my time up and take Hapsy right before my own bedtime, at around 9pm. I noticeably saw a difference and it was so good! Considering how awful I felt overall, it was so calming and relaxing. CBD in general does not make you feel anything out of the ordinary or ‘high’. I have never liked the feeling of high or out of control (on my normal functioning level), and I knew my own personal journey would not be any kind of medicine or pills for anxiety, which is why I chose CBD. I believe in Hapsy as a company too, which is equally as important as the product. Hapsy is locally owned and created in Atlanta and is trustworthy. They are extremely transparent about their product and even how their company is run. This is so important because I know there are so many companies to choose from now, so it’s helpful to at least have all the facts and an experience from someone you know, to go with it. Like I said, I have used a product that ended up being sketchy but I also just heard about another brand that accidentally switched their THC and CBD products and that is just crazy and careless to me! You know I don’t like to even drink so this really made me anxious and why I appreciate how open Hapsy is with everything they do.

You can use my code if you want to try it! CPxHapsy will get you $10 off any purchase plus free shipping. We are doing a giveaway on my Instagram tonight, so follow along and you can enter to win a Founder’s Bundle to try there as well! I think if you are interested in CBD, try a small bottle with Hapsy. It’s seriously so easy and pleasant, I cannot stress that enough. I have enough anxiety about everything, and what I put in my body, and health and just everything lol, this is at least one thing that is EASY!