How to Winterize Summer Clothes and Stay Warm

Whomever said it’s worth it to sacrifice comfort for fashion is doing it wrong. Which is probably why I need to be a designer so we can all be stylish 24/7. One of the most important things is comfort while still being stylish. That’s kind of a huge point behind this blog, to show it’s possible to live a stylish motherhood. I absolutely hate being uncomfortable in clothes when I’m with the kids, because they are my main focus, I…

Velvet Holidays

There are a million cute outfits out there, a ton of chunky sweaters, and shimmery tops that will always work for a holiday outfit. But every now and then, a piece of clothing will come along that is special and this velvet top is one of those times. It’s definitely unique in style but there are a few ways to wear it to make it work. I didn’t wear a bra with it because, well, I don’t need to wear…

Velvet Duster

The long duster is back! When I saw this velvet duster, I was immediately obsessed with it! The price range is a little high, but it’s one of those items that you can wear over and over so that you get your wear percentage and eventually it’s free! Yay, that’s right out of the rulebook in ‘girl math’. It’s lined in an amazing silky material and thick enough to keep you warm in the cold weather. If this velvet duster…

Velvet Cami And Statement Denim

Fall is our time to shine and break out all of the clothing textures as possible; especially velvet! You will start seeing velvet everything, everywhere, if you haven’t already. You might have not thought about a velvet cami because as it’s starting to get cold, you might just think heavy sweaters. But let’s not forget the important details. An elegant cami is so important, especially for layering. This amazing velvet camisole is perfect for now and throwing a cardigan over…