Our Kids Live for Pajama Days

If you’ve seen my kids out in public, you might have gotten a glance at them in their pajamas. They are obsessed with cute kids pajamas and live in them. And I mean this quite literally. The minute Jackson gets home from school or anywhere where he actually had to wear clothes, he changes. They love to wear them to a casual Friday night dinner, or friend’s houses. I usually let them because, why not, it’s not hurting anyone and they love it. We have been fans of Carter’s brand for years, and their pajamas are one of my favorites. Every year we get a new holiday pajama set, that are worn year round of course, but to me, it reminds me of the age that they were when they worn that specific print a ton.
I also just got Jackson a bathrobe, not knowing if he would wear it or not, and he loves it so much, he hasn’t taken it off and wears it every night. This dinosaur robe is so soft and he can wear it for a few years. He even wore it to the dentist the other afternoon. He is just so sweet with the things that are important to him, I rarely fight him because he’s so good! Basically it’s pajamas and stuffed animals, so I know I need to enjoy these sweet innocent days! Elston on the other hand… is a handful of sass, so we are currently navigating that.
Here are a few of our past Carter’s partnerships, as Carter’s has always been a staple in our house.
Cute Kids Pajamas
Holiday Pjs (kids were 9 months & 2.5):
Holiday Pjs (kids were 2 & 4):

Little baby basics (Elston was just over 1):
Spring Style (Elston had the cutest spring outfit):
I remember going to the Carter’s store on my lunch break when working corporate America to get Jackson clothes when he was a rapidly growing baby… I couldn’t keep him in anything for long. And then, I have completely different memories perusing the store when Elston was a baby, we would go to the store because they had a play area with toys. It would buy me some time to shop for the kids’ clothes and have them distracted. Carter’s is obviously nostalgic for me as a mother, and recently I just noticed they extended their sizing to go up to kid sizes 14! I was almost about to be sad to grow out of the brand, but luckily we have a few more years, and now I get to do their baby clothes all over again!
So I love doing matching pajamas for the kids, and they love it too. I’ve noticed they have more of this around the holidays, but I found these adorable bright and cheery sets that work for both of them. I grabbed this little striped zip onesie to match the kids too. You can see the clear progression of photos here, and what it’s usually like snapping with the kids. I usually don’t care because I want to always capture their true personality and real moments… which right now can simply be labeled as chaotic and crazy!
You can shop these rainbow striped pajamas with the links below.

This is what most of our mornings look like… or really all hours of the night. Our bed is taken over by these two

Photos by: KVC Photography
This post is sponsored by Carter’s, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting brands that allow City Peach to run full-time.
What are your current favorite cute kids pajamas? Let me know in a comment below!