Hello new shoes

shoe collage


One / Two / Three / Four / Five / Six / Seven / Eight / Nine / Ten / Eleven / Twelve

Has anyone looked at Target’s shoe section lately??!!… I mean really looked at it? Because look what I found! They are all perfect for now and into spring, and most of them are reasonably priced. So #9 is my personal fav and I hope to wear that for a light casual shoe all through summer, and #12 Anthro had the exact shoe years ago, but I don’t even care about the late copy cat replica because it’s a really cool shoe! I am not needing shoes right now hahahahaha that’s a funny joke, I mean, budget wise, they cannot be at the top of the list right now, so the other day while perusing Target on my way to buy baby sheets and eating a bag of Cadburry mini-eggs (yes, I opened them in the store), I saw such cute flats! Then I decided to look further online and found really awesome and unique shoes that are completely in style and affordable! So if you are wanting some cute shoes right now, please buy them all and let me live through you.

xo, Mireille

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