Luxury Handbags: Consider resale and preloved

I have always been one for pre-loved items. I love consignment and always have. When it comes to luxury handbags, I think it makes sense to look at something that is pre-owned depending on what you are looking for. Honestly, there have been very few times that I have bought a brand new handbag for a few different reasons. Sometimes I am looking for a style that has gone out of production so I want to find an old one. Other times, it’s the most cost efficient since trends and especially high priced handbags, come and go faster these days.
I have bought from all over through the years and a place that is still a great place to go for luxury handbags is eBay. They have an Authenticated Luxury Handbag program where you can assure the item you are purchasing is authentic. Ebay is usually the first place I will look when there is something like a handbag, jewelry (Chanel earrings/pin), or watch that I really want. I know that the Authenticate program is reputable and trustworthy, so you know if you are going to splurge on your coveted item, your money is safe.

I’m going to break it down on a few tips. Brands like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Celine, Burberry are quality brands that hold their value. Even the really older styles are still relevant and usually stand the test of time as far as condition. Chanel is an expensive investment either way you look at it, so buying pre-owned on eBay might make a little more sense for you financially. I love having a little wear or knowing there is a story behind the bag already, knowing that quality stands the test of time. Just make sure it has the authenticated info on it, you can shop this link HERE. eBay is really good about monitoring their site to protect the buyer, and as always, read reviews and pay attention to the seller rating.

This Louis Vuitton was purchased secondhand. My original intent when looking for this style was because I knew they no longer made it. This can happen a lot and sometimes, older versions and styles are no longer in production. I usually start with eBay if I am searching for a bag I once loved and never got (and still think about… that means it meant for me), or something from my youth that I couldn’t purchase at that time.
Photos by: Naomi Hopkins Photography
Shop some of the bags on ebay I am eyeing here:
This post was sponsored by eBay, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting brands that allow City Peach to run full-time.
Your entire outfit is just amazing!
All for preloved purchases too 🙂
Gary | Outfit Inspiration with TrendFriend