The Best Madewell Maternity Jeans
Is this an ongoing issue for us pregnant women to find pants that fit? I would say for most of us, yes. I often think my body is rare. In that is takes on a whole other form when pregnant. Literally everything changes, which in turn makes clothes fit completely differently and I just don’t mean my waistline. It was something I had a really hard time with the first time around when expecting with Jackson. Then with Elston, I knew how I responded and accepted it, knowing I do bounce back. It just does mess with your mind especially if you’ve been the same size your entire life, to get used to this rapidly changing body. This time around I knew completely what to expect. And sure enough, my legs grew very fast (I don’t fit into most regular maternity style pants and DEFINITELY not my regular size like they suggest you size into). My arms are larger, none of my tall boots fit my calves. And my bra size grows from a AA to a full C-cup. There were years I longingly watched the cutest pregnant women ONLY grow in their stomach and be able to keep the same leg size. Or their face would stay the same. By now, I have just accepted that this is what my body needs to do to grow and carry a healthy baby. Everyone is different for sure. And then for me, nursing luckily agrees with me and that is when that extra weight melts off. Some women hold onto it while they nurse… again, it’s what our bodies need. Anyway, all that being said, if you are expecting or anywhere near this phase of life, before or after, try to embrace what is happening and know that it’s just a phase.
The Best Madewell Maternity Jeans
With all that being said, it’s extremely hard to find pants that fit comfortably let alone even entertaining the idea of denim! But guess who makes maternity jeans!:: Madewell! To the rescue. I have tried literally every brand thus far and somehow theirs fit into this crazy body I have right now. Not all styles (for me) though. I just can’t do the over the bump stretchy fabric attached to a jean. And I think it’s because my bum grows truly as large as my bump, that it pulls the fabric down and then I’m just sagging the entire time. It just doesn’t stay up. But I have found the glorious side panel style in Madewell maternity jeans, and then something about their denim fabric molds and stretches with my legs. The site also says stick to your normal jean sizing, which for me isn’t the case since my legs grow wide. I needed to size up 2 sizes, so instead of my normal size 26, I do a 28 in the maternity.

Here are my favorite styles, in 3 different colors. I’ll be getting the white soon because I can’t wait to wear some lighter colors… and I’ll be wearing these for a few months after birth as well.
There ARE a few Madewell maternity jeans styles that are backordered. Just keep checking back if you are in need because they are well worth it. Here are a few styles of maternity wear that I have recently ordered and also recommend.
You can shop the rest of my outfit details here, my bag is from Leather and Vodka!
I take approx 9-12 months to bounce completely back to my old self. This is without a workout regimen, as in my prior experiences I was just trying to survive, so maybe this time, I can get active because that makes me happy!
Do you own Madewell maternity jeans? Let me know in a comment below!
Thank you SO MUCH for your comments about weight gain and body changes in this most. I’m 30 weeks pregnant and having a difficult time with my body changes, and your comments and attitude remind me that this is normal and okay! Appreciate it!
Aw Alex, thank you so much for visiting and sharing!