Mother’s Day Gift Ideas: Something Charming

You might have remembered my Valentine’s post with James Avery, where I talked about how sentimental and special this brand is to me. I just love browsing the site, and while doing so, had a great idea. Since you can cater to the recipient because James Avery has so many pieces to choose from, I thought this was the perfect idea for a Mother’s Day gift idea. Mother’s Day never has to be extravagant. My favorite things to get are homemade cards from the kids and a plant for our yard. But obviously most gals (me included) love jewelry amidst all of that, so why not get something special. James Avery has charm bracelets that are really pretty, whatever your style is, and SO many charms to choose from. I love the idea of getting someone a new charm for a special occasion or memory. And this is of course not limited to Mother’s Day; think a special charm throughout a girl’s adolescence or a grandparent having charms for each memory in their life or grandkid. I actually had a James Avery charm bracelet growing up and my mom would get me charms throughout the years to signify milestones, hobbies, or just a specific charm I was eyeing that year. I’m not sure what happened to it or where it is today as I moved so many times since high school, and still wonder if it’s out there somewhere.
Like all things, there is a chance to start fresh though! And I wanted to share my first few charms with you, and hope I can add to it throughout the years. I love chunky and dangling arm candy anyway, so a charm bracelet is fun to add to the mix. I’m starting with a sweet Mom charm since I truly feel like I became completed when I became a Mom and had each sweet babe. It’s a huge part of my identity and life’s journey, so when I look down at this, I remember exactly who motherhood has shaped me into being. And then, I mean duh… coffee. My love for coffee has grown throughout the years; first through deep sleep necessity, but then as a hobby. I’ve talked before about how Robert and I share a love for finding delicious premium coffee and have fun with trying all kinds… including investing in our espresso machine. This also started out organically. When the kids were really young babies, we used to drive around during naptime. They slept best in their carseat (not much has changed here) so out of survival, we would just drive around Atlanta… we would dream, look at houses… and stop for coffee. A lot of times this was when we would take blog photos and search for backdrops all around Atlanta. It was back in the beginning of the blog, when Robert took my photos and basically all we had was 1.5 hours on Saturday and Sunday. We would run into cool and unique coffee shops and our interest and love grew from there. So that’s another reason this latte charm is sentimental to me… it’s another life memory that makes me smile.

I chose the cable link charm bracelet, and will be adding to each link. You can choose your size to fit any size wrist. I love the look of wearing it by itself, or adding it to my watch or bracelet stack, with reminders of memories and life every time I look down.
Shop James Avery HERE; seriously scroll through their charms, there are some really cute and unique ones! My Heart ring is also from James Avery from this post.
About the outfit: I am obsessed with these jeans. I was nervous about the fit because they do not stretch. I sized up 1 size from what I normally wear and they fit like a glove. I love the print and they are so perfect for a spring jean, and printed jean that is on-trend right now.

Shop my outfit details below: