My Seasoned Mom of 3 Stroller Choice: The luxurious Uppababy

This UPPAbaby stroller post is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of UPPAbaby for UPPAbaby. All opinions are 100% mine.
I’ve had all kinds of strollers over the years, I’ve tried them all. We had one when Elston was first born that fit both of them and we nicknamed it the ‘minivan’ because it was SO big and bulky and drove really clunky just like a van. I wanted to review my end all be all stroller because using this feels luxurious. The Uppababy brand is just next level and I feel like 1. I’ve made it, but 2. I am a mom of 3 now, so I deserve this level of luxury. I have the complete VISTA V2 system here, in the color EMMETT.
Why I Love my UPPAbaby Stroller
I knew UPPAbaby was a strong brand and a step up in product investment. But what I learned once I got the full system of the carseat and stroller with interchangeable seats, is that it’s worth it. It’s truly worth the investment because of the quality and little details that make it so special.
The car seat is quality material, and a cotton fabric that is closest to baby. It even has little pockets to stick the buckle clips while you take baby in and out without getting them tangled. Little details like this are across the board with UPPAbaby. The way the carseat and the rest of the seats click into the stroller base is so easy, it’s just one click. There is no tugging or hassle, and I’m speaking from experience having done this with so many other brands. The carseat base is amazing too in that it has an automatic belt feed to go into the car’s attachment bars, and same with releasing it. It’s just simple with no struggle which is the last thing I need when juggling a newborn and two other kids probably running around the car when supposed to be sitting.
The bassinet attachment which worked really well when Gable was a newborn, and I still use it now when we go to the pool so she can lay down and nap in peace while there. I also have the seats, which two can be attached for a double stroller, and then adding the Piggyback kick board to stand on, accommodates all 3 kids! The kids love to hop on and off this board and this was an important feature for me to have. I also have an extra seat, so this can be a double seating stroller too, where Elston would be riding either behind or in front of Gable. So with the Piggyback, it allows another space in addition to the two seats, to accommodate all 3 kids.
The UPPAbaby VISTA is the largest stroller and I love it because it’s wide enough and sturdy, but isn’t too bulky. I take it into every store and it’s so smooth and easy to steer. When grocery shopping, I use the bottom as my basket (it’s that deep and sturdy) and all the kids ride on top. I don’t know if I sound like a seasoned mom, or just crazy, but it’s a part of making it all work and has made my life so much easier.

You can shop all the details and pieces below:
Have you ever owned an Uppababy stroller? Let me know in a comment below!