Summer Casual
I found a pair of really comfortable white jeans! I wanted to find something a little more roomy than my straight leg white jeans, and if it’s a cool fray at the bottom, then sign me up! I think my favorite color to wear is white, so I really play that up during the summer months because it’s also nice and cool.

I love styling white on white, it’s a great way to stay cool for summer. I then just play with accessories, high and low price points to switch it up. This little crochet bag is so cute from Target and randomly matched my sweater perfectly!
Also, this was the day Elston wanted to come with me at the last minute. I said sure, and she packed her own outfits and asked that Katie take her photo. She’s a natural for sure! I did not push any of this, I know she wants to be just like me, so I encouraged her in the most positive way!

Normally my favorite jean brands have been Mother Denim, but since the hem really caught my attention, I tried these. They don’t do the same justice for your body that the Mother ones do, but they are comfortable and stretchy, and overall a good summer jean. You can shop all details below, including the perfect white tank. My sandals are Hermés from the boutique store in Buckhead, bag is from RealReal (I stalk specific hard to find designer bags)… but everything else is linkable.