Shopping Haul, and what to wear with it

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I found a few things and I sometimes just grab what I love, and know I’ll figure it out later. So I figured I would get you the item here so it’s easy to find, and then give you an idea of what to pair it with. A creative outfit inspiration if you will. Feel free to find something similar in your own closet and then shop from the basics that I paired everything with! I am loving a sleek…

A Chunky Sweater Guide

  one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten / eleven / twelve / thirteen It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Well, one of them: Sweater weather! My inspiration for this post was a couple things. Let’s start with the most important: that horse sweater. So there is history with this sweater, Anthro sold it years ago… 5 years ago to be exact, and people went crazy. It sold out and they still had requests for it. This is when I worked for them in New York and I am telling…