5 Year Blogiversary: A Look Back and What I’ve Learned

It’s my 5 year Blogiversary, and I can’t believe it. It’s truly become my life and this can be a slippery slope between positive and negative because I’ve learned that as an entrepreneur, it never shuts off. Work is never done and there is always something that can be worked on or improved. But this blog has also been the best experience and offered opportunities I used to dream of; and I’d love to share those with you today. My…

The Many Ways to Wear A Sequin Skirt

We’re going to end the week with sequins… could there be a better way? Well, some people might disagree and want to end in sweats. But I believe in dressing for the feeling you want (kind of like job you want). I know that I feel lazy if I stay in pajamas all day, so I tend to look for outfits that make me feel fabulous. I love a sequin skirt, everyone needs at least one. It will just make…