Wallpaper Everything

This is actually how I feel, but let’s talk about how wallpaper is on a major comeback only with a new facelift. It’s no longer the striped florals and fruit baskets you remember from the 80’s (for our generation, I realize it was actually beautifully grand back in the 50’s and 60’s). It is everything from a simple line pattern to all kinds of floral patterns. I am so obsessed with wallpaper and the regal look of it that I truly want to wallpaper my own house.
DIY Wallpaper Installation
Here are a few things I’ve learned from diy’ing it. First, I did do a peel and stick for Gable’s nursery in our old house and it worked out ok. You can find that post HERE. Since learning how to do the glue/paste myself, I can say that this is what I prefer. It is much easier to work with. The paper itself is less stiff, allowing for more precise cutting and measuring. Then when glueing it, it’s easier to slide around on the wall and match the pattern perfectly (if that’s what you are doing), than constantly pulling up and re-sticking. In my experience, it’s also easier to smooth out air bubbles in the glue, than the peel and stick. All these things make for a much more pleasant experience, almost therapeutic!
Most of this process and everything I know, I learned from my friend and home design guru Selena Lewis. She is a pro at home projects and just has a knack for it, as well as an eye. She taught me the basics and how to do the paste wallpaper. If you’re interested, you should definitely give her a follow on Instagram HERE. While I keep trying to convince her to start a wallpaper business, she’s doing big things here in Cumming and has cool things to come. She posts her home projects often for now, and if you need any design/wallpaper consults, send her a DM!

Here are the essential tools you will need to get started, that helps you along the way. I found everything on a quick paint run to Sherwin Williams, but you can get at most hardware stores.
- Wallpaper Glue
- paintbrush
- sponge for smoothing the wallpaper with water to just get it damp, after application to the wall (before you smooth with your tool)
- plastic edge smoother
- box cutter to get the bottom and top edges exact once it’s dried (a tip on this is that when I tried to do this while damp, it rips more, so it’s better to wait to edge once it’s dry)

My outfit is a fun creation, but the pants are old Buru, and the top is a random Julie Brown find from the Mart. But my top is current and it’s amazing and I’m going to pair it with denim shorts this spring, so stay tuned for that outfit.
Here’s everything you can shop, and I included a few fun pants that I’m loving
Have you ever done DIY wallpaper installation? Let me know in a comment below!