How to get an upscale staple wardrobe

High waist anything, button details, colors everyone looks good in; adopting that upbeat flow as the weather allows us to stop shivering in our clothes and pay attention to the details that so make an outfit. These are not only the topics of a trend season, but answers to the never ending question most of us have when the seasons change and we start looking at our closet asking, ‘what do I wear now’? Building a wardrobe is something I…

Easiest Spring Outfit

I’ve always said that my favorite color to wear is white. I love and appreciate all the colors obvi, but I am always drawn to white and the way it makes me feel. It is my go-to color when I want to feel chic, when I need a pick-me-up, when I have no idea what to wear or what look I want to go for: white is my easy answer. So today I’m going to share an easy spring outfit…

Spring Jeans

I am so into colored denim (again) and it’s making a comeback. This was a popular thing years ago, and I had a ton of pairs because I was working at Anthro at the time and had the best selection at my fingertips. I’m loving these pink jeans, they are older Buru (stay tuned for more this summer) and the fit is ok. They aren’t the stretch that I love but I love the straight leg style wash of these….

Currently Coveting

Spring Favorites: Everything You Want in your Wardrobe this Season

I do this every season, but this one feels a little different as we are all getting out a little bit more and hope is on the horizon! I long for the days of getting dressed up again and going places. We are all still about comfort, but are at the point of wanting to be on trend and stylish. I have scoured the internet for my favorite items for Spring fashion. I usually curate this list for months, and…

One of my favorite outfits of all time: the monochromatic pleated skirt and top

If you scroll my blog categories on the side, for pleated skirt you will see the plethora of posts that I’ve done on this. The pleated skirt is one of my favorite outfit items of all time, but especially in a monochromatic outfit. I first did this outfit in New York, with a similar color pink, but have also since done it with many other colors. It’s an easy and comfortable way to look completely put together. Monochromatic Pleated Skirt…

Wallpaper Everything

This is actually how I feel, but let’s talk about how wallpaper is on a major comeback only with a new facelift. It’s no longer the striped florals and fruit baskets you remember from the 80’s (for our generation, I realize it was actually beautifully grand back in the 50’s and 60’s). It is everything from a simple line pattern to all kinds of floral patterns. I am so obsessed with wallpaper and the regal look of it that I…