Quarantine Summer

2020 has been a weird year. Robert and I always do this thing every now and then where we check in with each other and just evaluate our lives. Are we on track with our goals? How do we feel about this? Or that? Current events? Let’s correct this behavior, or we report on something the kids said that we need to either address or work on. We check in our both our jobs, talk about how we can make our business better. We talk about my business ad nauseam and how we can grow, techniques, tricks, do we need to pivot, etc. etc. etc. We talk about religion, political views, and constantly are evolving as we navigate this parenting journey.
We send each other memes all day, but analyze them at night when we meet downstairs once the kids are all asleep, over late night snacks and treats. This year, we have gone over a lot. From social issues to the mental health of our kids. This year gave us the chance to spend every waking moment with each other and really get to know our kids. This summer gave us our time back, yet took it all away at the same time. We have re-evaluated a lot of things, even the part of town we want to live in. I’ve had some major pivots in all aspects of my life from politics, social views, even food I now love that I never did before. I became less ‘city’ and ok with staying out in the country… actually, I want to be closer to farmland than downtown. I love pickles and honey mustard now, and I see very much Robert’s stance on money lol. This is all very different for me. Did it take a pandemic? Maybe. But I also think as I reach the second half of my 30’s, this was a transformation in the making over many years.
I also think my body has been telling me something, the way it always does. I usually listen to it. But during pregnancy, it does tell me what to eat through specific cravings, or when something like my liver malfunctions (ICP with 2 pregnancies). After having Gable, my body definitely changed again, and very drastically since living life carefree and calorie-carefree in my 20’s. I gave up milk and most dairy because I do think it hurt her tummy. I randomly had coffee aversions during this last pregnancy, which weirdly, seemed to carry over into life after birth. For some reason, coffee does not sit well with me these days, just like milk. It’s ironic and sad because the two things I have loved half my life, my body seems to react negatively. Other things are craving health food and clean eating like never before. I always did it, but out of reluctance and definitely in conjunction with my junk food preferences. Now it seems like my body does not like junk, wants clean, and craves everything healthy. I want bread more than ever, and a few sweet treats, but overall, I just want a ton of pineapple and everything clean from veggies to fish. It’s blowing my mind, because I also passed up Halloween Oreos that I basically wait for every year. This year, I just didn’t do it. It’s not worth feeling bad over, or having stomach issues. And this is coming from a gal that ate Oreos and milk for breakfast for basically 25 years.
Anyway, it’s a weird year, but crazily, good for us. We mourn with the downfall of businesses, people’s health and deaths, hardships, and more. For us, we welcomed Gable, the final chapter of our baby years. Robert started at Zoom which will be a blessing for our family for so many reasons and set us up for the future. We got to really spend quality time with our kids and get to know them for the better, in ways that have helped us understand them and what makes them who they are. We decided to sell our house this year and make the move to the neighborhood we’ve eyed for awhile, but also the move out of this neighborhood… which we have planned years for. We finally decided where we are going to put roots down and we are doing it! Quarantine summer has been so hard, but it’s been life lessons and a turning point for the Beckwith’s. We can’t wait for our next adventure and hope that the holiday season can bring my business, well, SOME business in general lol. And health and happiness in the new year.
Thank you so much for being here and following along!

You all must know by now… I love a puff sleeve top.
I just can’t get enough and this has proven to last over time. You also know I love pairing white with white, it’s just so crisp. Down below, I rounded up my current favorite puff sleeved tops for you, you will love them all.