Our Kids Live for Pajama Days

If you’ve seen my kids out in public, you might have gotten a glance at them in their pajamas. They are obsessed with cute kids pajamas and live in them. And I mean this quite literally. The minute Jackson gets home from school or anywhere where he actually had to wear clothes, he changes. They love to wear them to a casual Friday night dinner, or friend’s houses. I usually let them because, why not, it’s not hurting anyone and…

Checklist Items for The New Mom

This post is sponsored by, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting brands that allow City Peach to run full-time! You saw my post last week about baby items that are must-haves, and today I’m revealing a few that are ‘mom must-haves’. Items and maternity products for us are actually always changing, and it seems like with a newborn, you don’t need much at first. But as a mom who is expecting or just had…

Easy Apple Dip Recipe: a Favorite Holiday Recipe To Bring To Gatherings

I’ve been decorating a little bit and cooking a favorite holiday recipes or two. But now is the time to go all out! The way I’ve been decorating for a few years now is collecting Christmas tree decor. I just love the way it looks and I’ve been lining my mantel with a bunch that I’ve found over the years. I like the shimmer and glitter ones and am always drawn to wood ones too. I added a few good sturdy…

Pottery Barn Kids Toys and Decor that Are Parent Approved

Since we’ve had our playhouse, we have all been obsessed with it. The kids practically live in it, even now that the weather is cold! We just throw blankets in and snuggle up. Lately we have been having movie nights in there where Robert and I just set up our laptops and stream movies over Wifi. I mean, can I live my kids’ childhood? I set up lights all around and in it for Halloween, and now I just did…

How to Plan Financially as a Business Owner

This post is sponsored by Regions Bank, member FDIC. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting brands who allow City Peach to run full-time. Why? Well, because it had to. Haha, let me give you some background. Since I’m teaming up with Regions Bank today to make you aware of them and their modern approach to banking (basically keeping up with the times), I wanted to get us all into the financial mindset. Since I’m a…

Summer Grilling: Summer snack and Meal Ideas

I hope everyone had a happy Fourth of July and is having a festive summer! We stayed home and spent time together cooking, snacking, and having the kids play at home. It’s no pool few days for us because Jackson has swimmer’s ear, so we’re melting a little… but our snacking is of course on point! And pretty much all summer, my mentality is just fun and light eating. My appetite is always less in summer and I guess I…