A Low-Key Way To Wear Animal Print

Ok, so maybe this sweater isn’t exactly ‘low-key’ lol, but I thought it was the perfect little accent piece to these leopard leggings. I found a few ‘animal print’ style sweaters that I am absolutely loving and will be linking below. Some are animal print, and some are actual animals like this one. Either way, this trend is in, in all forms! These leggings are part of a collab I’m doing over on Instagram tonight. Full disclosure: sometimes brands will sponsor posts on one form of media, like IG, which a lot care about right now. Which is understandable because everyone is riding the wave. But my blog is more than instagram, and of course I want to protect myself and business in case it were to ever die. My website is important to me, and also allows me a writing platform. I truly love to write, and although these days I don’t have a ton of time to do so, I want the option to, as well as to save my work for one day when I can focus on that again. And it might seem like sometimes I write about frivolous things like fashion and clothes, but that is an art form in itself, and exercising my brain to write about it, is my therapy. So anyway, sometimes brands would rather put their marketing dollars on a platform they think is ‘hot’ right now, and that is fine. But I have the content and photos, which is why you will also see blog posts for me. Anyway, I thought you might appreciate a little insight into this whole world.

I did put together this outfit around these really cool leggings, which are actually more like a jegging because they have pockets and are thicker. I finished it off with a hot pink statement coat because if you are going to go loud with your outfit, you can’t go wrong with hot pink. This coat is Shein from manyyy years ago, but I found a similar hot pink coat if you are interested. It’s a faux fur version and I’m actually obsessed with it. I love wearing a soft and comfy coat when it’s really cold, but also not too frumpy or on-trend. This is where this teddy fur is so perfect and I’m so glad it’s in right now. The coat I found HERE is also Shein and affordable, because when it comes to really trendy pieces, I like to play that safe, then just invest in shoes and bags.

A quick touch on these shoes, they are an all-time favorite and I can’t gush about them more. I love them in taupe and just as happy with the black ones, I highly recommend both!

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Shop my leggings HERE and the rest of my outfit below!

Here are some of my favorite animal print pieces that are fun, yet affordable!