Baggy Jeans Tucked Into Cowboy Boots, a style featured by top Atlanta fashion blogger, City Peach

Light Baggy Jeans Tucked Into Cowboy Boots

How specific I know. But I just am so into this look right now, and if you are questioning it at all, you might want to tune into the latest high fashion musings. And controversial or not, Kanye West (who in my mind is a genius at many things) just stepped out with a similar look… so it’s FOR everyone if you want it to be.

Baggy Jeans Tucked Into Cowboy Boots, a style featured by top Atlanta fashion blogger, City Peach

I took my tried and true old Levi’s 501s (the best) and tucked them right into my high black boots. I decided to make the outfit personal, and threw on my new sweatshirt with my dog’s face on it (from small business Libby Ashley), and finished it off with an on-trend collar. This look is simple, comfortable, and stylish. I highly suggest you try it, even if it’s stepping out of your comfort zone, I guarantee you will feel stylish in it!

Baggy Jeans Tucked Into Cowboy Boots, a style featured by top Atlanta fashion blogger, City Peach
Baggy Jeans Tucked Into Cowboy Boots, a style featured by top Atlanta fashion blogger, City Peach
Baggy Jeans Tucked Into Cowboy Boots, a style featured by top Atlanta fashion blogger, City Peach
Baggy Jeans Tucked Cowboy Into Boots, a style featured by top Atlanta fashion blogger, City Peach
Baggy Jeans Tucked Cowboy Into Boots, a style featured by top Atlanta fashion blogger, City Peach
Baggy Jeans Tucked Cowboy Into Boots, a style featured by top Atlanta fashion blogger, City Peach
Baggy Jeans Tucked Cowboy Into Boots, a style featured by top Atlanta fashion blogger, City Peach

You can shop all the details below, including my beloved Levi’s 501s jeans. Snap them up now because over the years the come and go! I only show you them when I can find the ones with stretch, and these are it! My boots are old Marc Fisher from 4 years ago, but I found a few I recommend right now. This should also show you that investing in the ‘right’ items aka the ones I tell you to, you will have for years to come. The ability to slip things into a current out with what you already have really is helpful and priceless.

You can also recreate this look with trendy sweatshirts of the moment! Here are my recommendations below: