Momma essentials with Hobo Bags

hobobags-momstyle hobobags-momstyle hobobags-momstyle hobobags-momstyle hobobags-momstyle hobobags-momstyle hobobags-momstyle hobobags-momstyle hobobags-momstyle hobobags-momstyle hobobags-momstyle hobobags-momstyle hobobags-momstyle hobobags-momstyleshirt; short sleeve version here | scarf: Nordstrom Rack, such cute ones here, here, and here | jeans | shoes c/o: Sebago, I’m obsessed, they are so comfortable! | bag c/o: Hobo 

Most seasoned busy moms have certain ‘must-haves’ when it comes to what they carry with them in their baby bags. I definitely have it down to a science of what I need, and know how to restock and replace in a matter of 5 minutes when leaving the house.

Here is a list of my diaper bag must-haves; note that I have a toddler boy and new baby girl, so if you have similar ages, here are some ideas and I would love to hear yours!

2 sizes of diapers, 3 for each kid; I know this seems obvious, but make sure! One day we were out all morning playing and somehow had a few unexpected changes resulting in Jackson riding home in a size 2 diaper just to catch anything falling for 8 miles home and Elston sitting on a towel in her carseat naked.

wipes (I am obsessed with the plastic travel size packs that come in a huge Costco Huggies box)… I usually carry one for each kid again just in case I’m dropping one off for a few minutes, a wipe pack and diapers goes with them and I still have a pack for the other. I also use wipes for everything including but not limited to: runny noses, sticky hands, spills, leather car cleaner, cup holder made snack holder cleaner, counter wipe, restaurant table wipe, highchair wipe, playground wipe… seriously, you have an issue, I’ve got a wipe for that!

tiny books (Thomas the Train) to occupy at restaurants after they have eaten all snacks and puffs and thrown the number matching board all over

matchbox car or two: small and easy to whip out at a restaurant or dr’s office and not a big deal if you lose them

Emergency snack: puffs/cheerios (for occupying), squeeze packs (just in case you need to feed them a veggie), Gerber biscuits (we call them cookies) for back up

extra plastic spoon: well, because you just never know

lipstick: because you also just never know, and that’s easier to throw on to look presentable just in case, than applying 80 coats of mascara

wallet: duh

phone: to connect to the outside world

spit up cloth: or revisit wipes above

a change of clothes for each child: I just do a onesie, easy and small for the baby, and a t-shirt and jersey shorts for the toddler, both easy to roll up

sippy cup of water

Yes, I fit all of this in my Sheila Hobo bag, and it still looks so cute when worn. If you are familiar with Hobo bags, you know that the leather is extremely sturdy and well made. This bag is one of those bags that seem bottomless, you can just keep adding to it, fitting anything and everything, and will still look great! It has a few different size pockets which is really important so you don’t end up with a pit of everything at the bottom… you do not have time to fish around… toddlers don’t give you that!

I also applaud moms in general, we literally have to carry so much with us at all times just to have the day go smoothly and not have a disaster in any and all situations. You should absolutely check out these other amazing moms bloggers that are teaming up with Hobo with me!

Ali at Inspired By…

Nina at The HSS Feed

Katie at Life With a Dash of Whimsy

Tiffany at Tiffany Style

Thank you so much for reading, and make sure you check us out on Instagram tonight, we will be doing a giveaway!



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