Spring Outfitting: Everything You Need for Spring 2020

I am normally much more excited for Fall each season, but this year, I am so excited for Spring essentials! Maybe it’s because I will get to wear some of this and start to get back to my old body. I also know what I like and know what works with what is out there, so I am so excited to share my picks with you guys! You can shop every item’s details under the photo! I have gone through…

I have Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP)… again

What is ICP, Intrahepatic Cholestatis of Pregnancy? It’s a rare condition that happens to a small percentage of pregnant women, and since my sources were always limited in my own experience 6 years ago, and even now, I wanted to bring light to it in case anyone else out there needs to frantically search for answers for their own body in the middle of the night like I did. So, what is it? Basically a condition that affects 1 in…

Spring Jackets

I love love love cute spring jackets. From trench coats to quilted linen, you can get creative with your layering. The best part is that it’s not hot enough to go without, so you can have fun with colors and layering! It’s like the fall layering with bright colors! How can you not love that!? Cute Spring Jackets I have a few absolute favorites which you might be able to tell because I pull them in every color. I love…

Currently Coveting

Amazon Try-on Session

I was hesitant at first to do this, or even attempt to look for clothes on Amazon Fashion. I know most come from China and aren’t the best made. I wanted to do this my way, so I did. I found a few things that stood out to me, that will be great for wearing now, but also, for more than one use. I scoured Amazon Fashion in hopes for items that were a bit different, affordable, but great quality…

Graphic Tee From Day To Night

I’ve done posts on graphic tees before, and while I love a good graphic tee, it just can’t be any graphic tee. I am picky about them; they can’t be too cheesy, too cliche, too small, too large, too thin, have the right amount of trend… I could go on and on. How to Wear Graphic Tees I wanted to show you with this post though, that you can take a comfortable outfit from day to night with changing a…

Our Kids Live for Pajama Days

If you’ve seen my kids out in public, you might have gotten a glance at them in their pajamas. They are obsessed with cute kids pajamas and live in them. And I mean this quite literally. The minute Jackson gets home from school or anywhere where he actually had to wear clothes, he changes. They love to wear them to a casual Friday night dinner, or friend’s houses. I usually let them because, why not, it’s not hurting anyone and…