New Years Eve in Panama City Beach by popular Atlanta life and style blog, City Peach: image of a family at the beach. | Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy by popular Atlanta lifestyle blog, City Peach: image of a woman standing on the beach and holding her pregnant belly with her hand.

I have Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP)… again

Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy by popular Atlanta lifestyle blog, City Peach: image of a woman standing on the beach and holding her pregnant belly with her hand.

What is ICP, Intrahepatic Cholestatis of Pregnancy? It’s a rare condition that happens to a small percentage of pregnant women, and since my sources were always limited in my own experience 6 years ago, and even now, I wanted to bring light to it in case anyone else out there needs to frantically search for answers for their own body in the middle of the night like I did.

So, what is it? Basically a condition that affects 1 in 200,000 pregnant women, not that well known, talked about, or at all routinely tested for, that happens during pregnancy. Basically in layman’s terms, your liver does not function efficiently which can cause a lot of issues with your body, and most importantly can pose risk to the baby. Your liver breaks down bile which helps digestion, and when that builds up, it enters the blood stream. This is what causes the itching, as well as why it can become toxic to the unborn baby.

As I’ve already gone through feelings of failure, frustration, panic, confusion, and madness a few years ago when I found out I had this with Jackson, it has happened all over again. This is why Jackson needed to come at 37 weeks, this is why I just knew my body and that it was already not functioning correctly. I had just watched The Business of Being Born, and just listened to my body, knowing it would not be ready to push when induced. I made the decision to have a scheduled C-section, and luckily Jackson was delivered calmly and safely. His lungs were fine and he was not affected by anything going on in my body. This time around, ICP has popped up earlier and I’m scared.

This condition only pops up during pregnancy, and the symptoms and malfunctions basically go away once the body is no longer pregnant. Medical research and information truly do not know much about it, or the underlying cause. It’s most likely genetic, or an underlying autoimmune issue. It’s nothing you have control over or can undo action wise. The crazy thing is, I didn’t have it with Elston. I waited, in anticipation for it, but luckily, it didn’t pop up. But I’m always aware of the symptoms and feeling because of living through it the first time. If you wanted to catch a brief synopsis of finding out, head to our family blog where I get into it the first time. Because what I learned from that, is valuable. I was blown off at first, told I was ‘just pregnant and itchy’.

Always be your own advocate no matter what, because while the medical field professionals are smart with all kinds of information and other experience, only you know your body. I had to be persistent and ask to be tested last time, I had to educate myself on it completely, to be prepared and know what to ask for care wise. I’m not afraid to speak up, or be persistent when it comes to my health… or anything really. That is something I can take away having learned being 36 now!

I thought the information on this site was very valuable if you need any starting point or insight into ICP.

As if I needed to love pregnancy more, here’s an agonizing condition that pops up. The symptoms are an uncontrollable itching that just cannot be satisfied. Yes, it sounds like torture and it is. My main concern is the baby, which is why there is a medication that helps regulate and protect until you can get far enough along, to safely deliver.

But omg the itching of the hands and feet is so intense, and just cannot be scratched because it’s basically under the skin, it’s not a topical issue. I have faint itching all over as well, that comes and goes. It used to be more intense at night, but I have found it to basically be intense around the clock, and specific hours more than others. My skin and body just feels toxic. The itching started a few days ago which at first, I passively thought it was dry skin or a change in our detergent. But once it got to the hands and feet, I immediately knew. I went into this new practice ready to speak my truth and plead my case.

I knew exactly the blood tests that need to be run, what to ask for, and the correct names of the medication. Luckily, I saw a midwife (sometimes I truly get a know-it-all attitude from doctors that makes me automatically defensive) and I felt heard. She saw my symptoms listed from calling into the nurse that morning, and had already ordered the 2 tests that need to be performed. She told me there have been a few cases of this that have come through their office and they are familiar with it. I felt so relieved and just listened to. I was armed and prepared just from my ptsd experience 6 years ago. Now, my biggest concern is delivering early, the NICU, the affect ICP could have that we truly don’t know a ton about. I will go to a specialist appointment tomorrow for a closer look and game plan.

We will need a game plan for everything and the waiting is torture really because I like solving problems and taking care of things immediately. We will be hoping to plan, medication if needed, due date, and basically every day until then. I don’t know if we should take our last trip that we have planned, and I’ve got a very important partnership to photograph, along with some kitchen reno plans. Life is sure interesting around here!

Have you had Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy before or know someone who has it? Let me know in a comment below!

4 thoughts on “I have Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP)… again

  1. Will be praying for you and the little one- along with your family. Joan Garrett

  2. Love, love, love your transparency. You are truly one of the most BEAUTIFUL FEARLESS pregnant moms I “know”. Please keep on being an example for so many of us out here! You are loved!

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