Backyard Makeover Ideas

We are so excited about our backyard, our new oasis! You’ve probably seen our playhouse that we decided to get for the kids, but we’ve also done a few other things. I’ll show you some before and afters because to us, it changed our entire backyard. So a quick story from the beginning, when we moved in, the grass stopped and pine trees started up this tiny hill. One day Robert decided he was going to hand cut the pine…

Pottery Barn Kids Toys and Decor that Are Parent Approved

Since we’ve had our playhouse, we have all been obsessed with it. The kids practically live in it, even now that the weather is cold! We just throw blankets in and snuggle up. Lately we have been having movie nights in there where Robert and I just set up our laptops and stream movies over Wifi. I mean, can I live my kids’ childhood? I set up lights all around and in it for Halloween, and now I just did…

Denim Jacket Dreams with Levi’s Tailor Shop at Avalon

I cannot tell you how excited I am about this post, this partnership, but especially… this jacket. I have dreamt about it for a few years, actually when the Levi’s Tailor Shop came to town 2 years ago. You might know I have worked with Levi’s before, and have those infamous pair that I wore like crazy the past 2 years… I love the brand! I am so excited that I got to team up with them again for a…

Currently Coveting

How to Plan Financially as a Business Owner

This post is sponsored by Regions Bank, member FDIC. All thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting brands who allow City Peach to run full-time. Why? Well, because it had to. Haha, let me give you some background. Since I’m teaming up with Regions Bank today to make you aware of them and their modern approach to banking (basically keeping up with the times), I wanted to get us all into the financial mindset. Since I’m a…

Make A Statement in Hot Pink Fashion

This outfit might be a little extra with all the silk, but I just love to wear hot pink fashion items. There is something about it, and I especially love pairing it with neutrals like whites and camels. Today I decided to be fun and wear it head to toe. The hot pink tunic top is a great staple item in my opinion because it can be worn with leggings or jeans, or even pants like in this case. These…

Pregnancy Announcement: And Then Came Baby 3…

Well, here it is. Our pregnancy announcement. If you want to know and hear the whole story here goes. Still even at this moment, I am terrified to put anything into writing, to plan, to have hopes. I’m just nervous, and probably more so with all these pregnancy hormones. But, this decision was incredibly thought out… agonized over. Until it wasn’t… haha. Let me explain. Our Pregnancy Announcement When I was pregnant with Elston, and even when she was born,…