Avoiding Sick Season: Remedies for Cold and Flu Season

Avoiding Sick Season: Remedies for Cold and Flu Season by popular Atlanta life and style blog, City Peach: image a woman holding a bottle of TRP PinkEye Relief and sitting on the couch with her son.

As we enter the cold months, and ‘sick season’, as a mother I dread it. Partially because there is no time to get sick as a parent because you have to push through no matter what, and also because I hate watching my kids suffer through sickness. I probably become over the top about it, but I try my best to prepare and have everything on hand to help anything that could potentially pop up. I’m not a doctor, so everyone will have their own ways of handling things, but in general, I try to go as homeopathic as possible with my remedies for cold and flu season. So I can cure things before calling in the harsh products. I always try to preface, that modern medicine is obviously effective and I’m not against it, I just try to do my best with products that are natural first.

I truly try not to freak out during this sick season, but the pending possibility of everything out there gives me anxiety. This is why I stock up because feeling prepared makes me more calm, and a better mother… so you gotta do what you gotta do to survive!

Here are a few things I use in every day life to help keep us healthy during sick season and try to avoid any plagues:

Remedies for Cold and Flu Season

The Relief Products: PinkEye Relief. There is a drop and an ointment that helps itching, watering, swelling, and crusting. It has 100% natural ingredients and is homeopathic. The formula stimulates the body’s natural ability to temporarily relieve those symptoms. Anything that is a non-prescription drug product is not guaranteed to treat infections. But my thoughts are that, how many times do kids get itchy eyes, and touch their eyes because of something irritating them, and then can possibly spread bacteria or an infection even more. It’s helpful to stop the symptoms and knock them out. If they persist, then you pay attention. I always like to asses as carefully as possible when deciding on antibiotics as it affects our bodies so much that I need to be sure it’s the right time to use them. I believe in The Relief Products to help us analyze and keep symptoms at bay to then make informed decisions.

Avoiding Sick Season: Remedies for Cold and Flu Season by popular Atlanta life and style blog, City Peach: image of a TRP PinkEye Relief box.

2. Essential Oils: From now until probably April, I will be diffusing any and every kind of essential oil in this house at. all. times. I have my blends on hand that I dilute with coconut oil, into mini vials that I roll on the kids every day before school, and on their feet at night. I told you I wasn’t joking people! I also occasionally have warm tea with honey at night and add a drop of Thieves if I am feeling under the weather. I diffuse oils in a diffuser in their rooms and in our living room all weekend too. It keeps the house feeling fresh and clean, but also helps clean the air.

Avoiding Sick Season: Remedies for Cold and Flu Season by popular Atlanta life and style blog, City Peach: image of an Essential Oils diffuser.

Probiotics: When I remember to take my vitamins, I take a probiotic. This does wonders for our GI system which is the source of our health. Everyone uses something different and I am still researching what is the best one for me. For the kids, I give them kids packets of probiotics and they love them and take them easily.

Eating healthy: I truly try my best to rotate nutrient rich foods in my kids’ diets, which can be hard with picky eaters. If I can give them eggs, fruit, and slices of avocado as my go-to, I know they are at least getting natural things that all offer something different. I will literally slice up avocado at all times because I know that’s the one green my kids will eat willingly without a fight, so I shove as much on their plate as I can get away with. I know I have sounded crazy to people when I tell them this, but I have knowingly avoided sickness before doing these things when friends they play close with come down with something.

We do not bathe every night. This does waver and I’m somewhat evaluating this now that we are in public school… but I do believe the kids need natural oils and defenses to fight things off on their own and it’s not always healthy to constantly wash it all away. I also don’t want to dry out their skin, or have washing products hurt their skin. We do wive down every night that we don’t do baths and make sure we wash our hands, face, arms, etc.

I would love to know if you have anything that you do with your family that you practice every year or swear by. I would never push or post anything I do not believe in and stand by what we try at home. You should definitely try The Relief Products brand, it’s going to help the body without harmful ingredients, and it definitely doesn’t hurt to try it. Also, I have for sure mastered putting drops in my kids eyes (major mom win)! We have them close their eyes and put the drops across their lashes and have them blink blink blink! The product then goes in, it’s truly been foolproof for us!

Do you have any remedies for Cold and Flu season? Share in a comment below!

Avoiding Sick Season: Remedies for Cold and Flu Season by popular Atlanta life and style blog, City Peach: image a woman holding a bottle of TRP PinkEye Relief and sitting on the couch with her son.

This post is sponsored by The Relief Products PinkEye Relief, all thoughts an opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting brands that allow City Peach to run full-time.