Your New Favorite Baby Line

Ever since Beauty Counter ended its children’s line, I’ve been on the hunt for something similar as I’m still in the diaper years, but always looking for clean and natural baby products by companies I believe in. Really for our whole family to use! I love when I discover brands through this job and the blog world, and connecting with Abby & Finn, I have done just that. This is a wonderful family started business, run by parents who understand the need for quality items, as well as giving back and helping those in need. Shopping this brand is so easy by item, or you can sign up to have a box delivered to you monthly, taking out the worry of remembering to place your order each month. OR run out of diapers at an inopportune time… this happens to us all the time and I’m always rummaging through baby bags and purses to find that one diaper I’ve stashed away. Then, if you choose this route, with each monthly subscription box purchased, they donate 30 diapers to families in need.

I also love when companies provide information about their industry and their products, and are transparent about it. Head HERE to read about their diaper comparison to other brands in the space, it’s really helpful and easy to see why Abby & Finn is a quality company. Their diapers are chlorine-free and 20% less expensive than other chlorine-free diapers of similar companies, AND their packaging is plant-based and recyclable. Their mission is to provide natural baby products to families in responsible ways as well as giving back to families in need. I will always stand behind companies like this.

Here are the items I have been getting on a regular basis (I’ve been using Abby & Finn products for 2 months now). You can click on them and check out right here on my blog. Everything is safe and confidential through my partnership with Fermat. If you purchase here through my blog, you will get free shipping + a $10 Mastercard gift card! All you have to do is click the items (items are below) and it will allow you to check out right here!

It’s actually pretty important to have natural diapers, and they are very competitively priced to other natural diapers in the industry. These work wonderfully and I love that they are safe on Gable’s skin.

Wipes are a huge part of my life because I literally use them for everything, not just wiping bums lol. I wipe faces, crumbs, counters, stains, mud, dirt… I just always have a wipes pack on me just in case, so I obviously want to make sure I’m not wiping chemicals over everything. These are the wipes I’ve been using:

Here is the body wash we are using of theirs, I am loving it. As you might know, we have to be super careful with washes and soaps as all of our skin is very sensitive and eczema prone, so this is very important for me to read ingredients for and find what works.

We have to have bubble bath in this house, and this one is perfect for the exact reasons I have to choose wisely for body wash.

I use this balm on Gable every night after bath, it is exactly what I need to keep moisture in after bath. I really love it.

This diaper balm was new for us as I have always used a paste, but it’s been great especially after bath before bedtime! The ingredients are pure and has calmed Gable’s skin.

 Like I said above, you can easily shop right here from my site! That will get you free shipping and a $10 Mastercard gift card, and it’s completely safe.

Thank you for supporting brands that allow City Peach to run full-time!