Our Kids Live for Pajama Days

If you’ve seen my kids out in public, you might have gotten a glance at them in their pajamas. They are obsessed with cute kids pajamas and live in them. And I mean this quite literally. The minute Jackson gets home from school or anywhere where he actually had to wear clothes, he changes. They love to wear them to a casual Friday night dinner, or friend’s houses. I usually let them because, why not, it’s not hurting anyone and…

Pregnancy Announcement: And Then Came Baby 3…

Well, here it is. Our pregnancy announcement. If you want to know and hear the whole story here goes. Still even at this moment, I am terrified to put anything into writing, to plan, to have hopes. I’m just nervous, and probably more so with all these pregnancy hormones. But, this decision was incredibly thought out… agonized over. Until it wasn’t… haha. Let me explain. Our Pregnancy Announcement When I was pregnant with Elston, and even when she was born,…

How to Motivate your Kids for School: 3 Things to Tell Them When School Starts

First of all, IT FEELS LIKE FALL AND I AM ALIVEEEE. If you know me at all, you know this weather truly sparks happiness. I can’t help it, it’s just biology that I hate summer. And now that school has officially started back, there are a few things we’ve been going through during this season of life, that I have learned from a motherhood perspective. We have dealt with some friend excluding behavior and initially, it broke my heart. Let…

Room To Unplug: Spending Saturday at the T-ball field with Toyota Highlander

This post is sponsored by Southeast Toyota, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting brands that allow City Peach to operate full-time. With social media being 24/7, whether you do it for work or play, it can be easy to forget to unplug and enjoy life without documenting every little moment. Lately, I have been purposeful in unplugging on the weekends to just be present and enjoy our family time. Most of our weekend plans revolve…

The Crossroads Between Our 2 Toddlers And Whether To Try For Baby #3

While I usually blog about outfitting, making you as a woman/mother feel better, dress better, present yourself better, I’ve had a thought weighing on me for quite some time and I need to share and write about it to make me feel better. And hopefully in turn, it can help anyone else struggling with their own pressure This post is a little personal but it’s real life as I am truly at a crossroads. Do we try for baby #3…