You Better Count Your Money

Where are my millennial parents? One day I’ll have to play the greatest song for my children and maybe they will be impressed that mommy knows all the words to the most random rap song about the west and horses… a song that bonded all my girlfriends in the days of college bars and fraternity band parties… I digress. These PonyCycle Horses are the silliest horse toys, but we love them so much. We use our PonyCycle horses around the…

Hilton Sandestin: Quick and Easy Vacation with kids

If you followed along on stories, we snuck away to Destin at the very end of September, to Hilton Sandestin Beach Golf Resort and Spa. It was a wonderful trip that my kids needed. Robert stayed back to take care of house stuff, where basically we had showings like crazy, and inspections etc. happening on a new house. It was nice to get the kids out of the house and to just have a carefree weekend. Destin is about 5.5…

Best Baby Products: A convertible high chair!

Remember when I told you that when I sometimes work with brands, they only ask for social media or Instagram coverage? And I don’t have to do blog posts on them… so if you see that, it means I love the product so much that I want to talk more about it. This is the case with SkipHop, a brand I’m already loyal to and have loved for years, but these new products are so well thought out and practical,…

Currently Coveting

The Infiniti QX80: Luxury for the Stylish Mom

Weirdly, I love doing car reviews. But I guess in a non-car tech kind of way? I just love test driving everything out there and talking about what’s great about it, what fits into a parenthood lifestyle, and what I would want personally. So I’ll start by saying I will continue to do them because I like it, and I also am grateful to be able to take different cars on our family trips. That being said… my review of…

To My Georgia, the greatest pup

I said goodbye to her this morning, a day I always knew would be filed in the back of my mind as far away. I’m writing this saying goodbye post mainly for me, so thank you if you love us enough to read it. A year ago her heart murmur got progressively worse, and she started medication. She had a slight murmur for about 5 years, but it was never an issue until last year when I think one of…

My Favorite Order Items to my Door with Walmart+

This Walmart membership post is sponsored by Walmart+, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting brands that allow City Peach to run full time. I have always been the type of person who loves to shop for anything in person. Having kids changes that a little (or a lot). If your experience is anything like mine, it’s hard to get past any section of a store without little hands sweeping the aisles or jumping out of…