Building a Clean Medicine Cabinet

This clean medicine cabinet ideas post is sponsored by Genexa, all thoughts and opinions are my own. Thank you for supporting brands that allow City Peach to run full-time. I have been looking for a clean medicine for years, so when Genexa reached out to me, I paid attention. I looked into this brand to find out who they are as a company, and then the products. With our kids, we already try to provide a clean diet as best…

The Wellness Scene in Atlanta: WellScene ATL 2018

I typically express my love for a healthy lifestyle either here or on IG stories. It’s not always easy to live it when just getting caught up in every day life or with kids, but we try. We consciously try to feed our kids all natural food, always choose organic choices when we can, and are particular even when it comes to indulging in treats. We try to keep our wellness choices consistent even in our home. We have been…