The Wellness Scene in Atlanta: WellScene ATL 2018


I typically express my love for a healthy lifestyle either here or on IG stories. It’s not always easy to live it when just getting caught up in every day life or with kids, but we try. We consciously try to feed our kids all natural food, always choose organic choices when we can, and are particular even when it comes to indulging in treats. We try to keep our wellness choices consistent even in our home. We have been transitioning out of toxic cleaning chemicals and use essential oils as much as possible. When our Keto journey was going on this summer, it really opened our eyes to how much bad ingredients is in our food. I knew I wanted to give our kids the best, but also knew I needed to take that pledge to myself. I felt so much better when I was in Ketosis and completely cutting out sugar. If you haven’t seen The Magic Pill on Netflix, seriously do yourself a favor and just watch it!

When I learned about a wellness conference powered by women, coming to Atlanta, I knew it was going to be enlightening and encouraging. I would love for you to join me on November 11th. It will be a full day of wellness topics from nutrition, stress management, to non toxic products. This may not be completely fashion, but this is where I want to combine the two worlds because I whole heartedly practice these beliefs and feel so strong in educating ourselves on them. It’s also extremely important to fill our own cup before those we care for, and that is something I struggle with as a mother, so being around like-minded women can only fill our soul and give encouraging tools! There will be giveaways and really interesting speakers. Gabrielle, the woman behind the organization of this conference, has an amazing comeback health journey and would love for you to come hear her story!

I think this is incredibly important to those of us in Atlanta, that we have things like this to go to, a community to check into every now and then. If you’re interested, here’s how to get tickets! They are normally $177, but if you use code CITYPEACH, you can get them for $99. Head here to read more or purchase your ticket:

I hope to see you there, and if you want to grab coffee at the greatest coffeeshop ever, message me and we will meet there!

All outfit details are below! My tulle skirt is $30, top is $18, sunglasses are $10, and bag (of peaches) is $30! Yay for deals!

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