Holiday Tulle Style

When is tulle ever a bad idea? It’s always a good idea. Whether you hate on it or not, tulle is so fun to wear, I recommend trying it. You don’t have to get crazy and try the poufy skirt like me, but having anything with tulle in it that makes you feel like a princess is the whole point of dressing to feel good! This outfit is a little extra, but now is the time more than ever because…

The Wellness Scene in Atlanta: WellScene ATL 2018

I typically express my love for a healthy lifestyle either here or on IG stories. It’s not always easy to live it when just getting caught up in every day life or with kids, but we try. We consciously try to feed our kids all natural food, always choose organic choices when we can, and are particular even when it comes to indulging in treats. We try to keep our wellness choices consistent even in our home. We have been…