Finding The Perfect Fur Vest

Is the fur vest still ‘IN’? The answer is yes, it is. It has evolved a little in that it used to be that they all looked the same, and the safe way to wear one was the brown one. Now, any color goes, and sometimes the crazier, the better! It’s a great option to throw over a dress, long or short, to break it up a little, or to just stay warm. I mean, sometimes practicality can win too!…

A Low-Key Way To Wear Animal Print

Ok, so maybe this sweater isn’t exactly ‘low-key’ lol, but I thought it was the perfect little accent piece to these leopard leggings. I found a few ‘animal print’ style sweaters that I am absolutely loving and will be linking below. Some are animal print, and some are actual animals like this one. Either way, this trend is in, in all forms! These leggings are part of a collab I’m doing over on Instagram tonight. Full disclosure: sometimes brands will…

A Crochet Holiday Dress

I’m going to start giving you holiday dressing options, and today we are starting with this crochet dress from VICI. It’s sold out at the moment, but put your email in because I’m pretty sure they will restock it. I usually don’t go for a shorter dress because I prefer long and flowy or even a wide leg pant. I fell in love with this one though and do like the look of a shorter dress with an over the…

Currently Coveting

Mommy Monday: The Importance Of Stationery

Mommy Monday is back! If you are new here, this is a series I have been doing for a few years, ever since I first started blogging. I team up with a group of ladies, we all have very different blogs and lives, but we are all mothers and love to style, write, and curate our websites. Each month, on the first Monday, we will be blogging about brands/businesses we think you should know about. Most are small business, some…

The Wellness Scene in Atlanta: WellScene ATL 2018

I typically express my love for a healthy lifestyle either here or on IG stories. It’s not always easy to live it when just getting caught up in every day life or with kids, but we try. We consciously try to feed our kids all natural food, always choose organic choices when we can, and are particular even when it comes to indulging in treats. We try to keep our wellness choices consistent even in our home. We have been…

Date Your Spouse With A Jewelry Giveaway

Dating your spouse is so important and can actually be in many forms, it doesn’t have to be the typical dinner and a movie. Or if you’re a parent, then dinner out where you talk about the kids, look at their pictures in your phone, and then rush home to find still awake children. Hopefully that is not just us, and candidly we are 100% awful at dating. So much so that Robert texted his entire family on a group…